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Adventures in Lock Picking

A retelling of my adventures in lock picking during the school year. Of course, I made sure I didn’t do anything illegal.


An excellent crash course on the circuit board design process. It’s also the perfect intro to my favorite EDA software KiCad.

Pi Zero W USB Dongle

All the power, convenience, and GPIO of a Raspberry Pi in the compact form factor of a USB stick.

Pi Zero Gameboy

A functional and fun Pi Zero powered Gameboy to relive some nostalgic memories.

STM32 Gaming Keypad

A fun little keypad mostly used to make sure I don’t break my keyboard with how much gaming I do.

Mission Possible 2018

For the SciOly 2018 season, I tackled the numerous challenges involved in making a device for the Mission Possible event and placed 2nd at Nationals.

Hovercraft 2018

For the SciOly 2018 season, the numerous rule changes for the Hovercraft event proved a fun and respectable challenge.

Cardboard Chair

Ergonomic, economical, and manufacturable - these were the design goals of the cardboard chair for our final project in IB Design Tech.